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Diane Austin 1933-2018

It is with sadness we report the unexpected passing of Diane Austin. Diane was a member of NVA and BVF since 1991 and was a long standing supporter of veterans fencing.

Sympathy to the family – Diane was always so friendly towards me. RIP

Marion Thomas

I’ve known Diane since I was a teenager fencing at Guildford! She never lost her love of the Sport – sympathy to her family and close friends.

Caryl Oliver

Oh dear that is sad. Diane has been a part of Veterans fencing for as long as I can remember.

Jane Hutchison

I was very sorry to hear the news of Diane’s death. Over the years she has made a significant contribution to Vets Fencing and she will be sadly missed. RIP Diane.

Carole Seheult

Very sorry to hear this. I knew her when I was a schoolgirl fencing in Surrey and then as a vet. She made a huge contribution to fencing.

Mavis Thornton

I am deeply saddened to hear that. She was a big part of my fencing childhood and is someone I will always remember very fondly.

Meg Shepherd-Foster

I’m really sorry to hear that I remember fencing her as a teenager, condolences to her family.

Sue Benney

I am so sorry to hear of Diane’s passing. My Sympathies to her family. RIP Diane.

Joanne Reynolds

I’m very sad. Condolences to her family.

Giulio Paroli

That is very sad news. I knew her from my junior fencing days and she was a lovely lady. RIP.

Jane Clayton

Very sad news

Julie Schofield

Sad news, sorry to hear this, Please pass on our condolences to the family.

Jon Dawkins

Please pass my condolences to her family, Diane was always friendly to me.

Lyn Robinson

I was saddened to hear of Diane’s death and send my condolences to her family.

Diane was dedicated to Veterans fencing turning up to all the competitions she could even thought she was not always fencing. It often involved a long and difficult journey for her.

She was with me on my first trip abroad and was really supportive and I will always be grateful.

Veterans fencing will not be the same without her.

Kate Elvin

Diane had been a member of the England Veterans Committee as treasurer since it was set up. She kept an eye on our funds as if they were her own and left us in very healthy situation when she handed over at this year’s AGM.

Although relying on public transport she almost always got to our meetings where she defended the spirit of veteran’s fencing. If she couldn’t get there she would ring and let me have her feelings on what we were discussing.

Our thoughts are with her family and friends.

John Crouch
Chair England Veterans

My acquaintance with Diane goes back so many decades that I can’t remember when we first met, but undoubtedly with foils in our hands. She contributed greatly over so many years and we will miss her very much.

My condolences to her family.

Kristin Payne